Sunday 10 July 2016

Katy Perry Exposed Links to Blogs Porn MK Ultra Monarch mind control pics

#Royalrevolutionoflove Katy Hudson Perry, in reply to your lyrics; "You are not a Man". Is this some kind of problem? Am I meant to be sad? Am I finished in your life, discarded, unwanted, abandoned? Does this mean that your inner soul yourself is spending its life searching for a BODY, a body that withers and dies, a body that can 'ruin your life' by merely taking a reality shot of the real you (your quote) with a miniscule amount of time that it can 'live' up to the ideal or 'idol' that your make-over team can dream up. But how do they keep their illusion going for any meaningful amount of time? You would have to pay a taxidermist to maintain a withering body, that wrinkles and dies regardless of the Photoshop airbrushing of the animators of Hollywood from the 'dream studio' to search for a non-existent dream that you conjure up after reading GQ or watching a romantic movie at the height or pinnacle of its 'false idolness' to maintain some 'thing' that does not in fact exist, apart from a stage, a cover of a magazine, a film, a video, an illusion? A made up illusion that is a mere 'puff of smoke' that goes 'pop' as soon as you wake up 1 hour earlier than your dream to perpetuate yourself makeover to put on your personal mask to hide something that doesn't need hiding away 'YOU'. You could not possibly lie to yourself that it exists and can be found, 'YOU', who is at the very pinnacle of false-idolatory where you have become 'a dream' for 55 million teenagers clicking on 'download' on mom and pops credit card account with a 3.46 second awareness time span of holding the Hollywood dream boat body double image in their limited, MATRIXED imagination  before they click on Rhianna or Beyonce for another 3 minute fantasy, seduced by the 'Heavenly' Inc reproduction make over studio, let us call it; 'Celestial Inc', ding ding. Are you in fact so limited in your desires that you of all people believe that you will find your soul mate and one and only true love in a man’s 'reality if life' reproduction desired from fantasy idols (but you get the unproduced model at home, you marry the reality of man which leaves a bitter and twisted taste in your mouth, every time without fail!) and that 'your ideal man' that you are looking for can be reproduced in-front of you straight out of a photographed fantasy photo shoot who has a team of (8 for your 'sparkle and shine like Katy' COSMO UK photo shoot dripping with the 2nd best array of Diamonds your PR team can get hold of, on loan from a Rodeo Drive or Bond Street jewellers).

Prepare yourself to be with God I am eternal, I am immortal, I am ever present, I am elevated, a beam of light and a companion of the light of the World, the power of God’s love is above you Katy showering down upon you for you to bathe in my light. Feel me spreading thru you restoring your equilibrium, restoring your awareness to return to your body

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